Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Seasonal Affect Disorder

SAD. I have it. This time of year is so difficult for me. I think my years in Boulder, Colorado (where it is sunny over 300 days per year) ruined me. I now live in a place that rains over 300 days per year (at least that is how it feels).

I look at the forecast and for two weeks out, all it shows is rain. They find all different ways to say rain without saying rain: showers, drizzle, intermittent showers, partly cloudy, passing showers, rain - heavy at times, and my personal favorite - party sunny (which is always a lie). Then, sometimes they will just be honest and every day it will say "rain".

About a month ago, Trevor and I were craving carbohydrates in much larger portions that usual. Every night I was stopping at the store to pick up something to curb those cravings. One night I asked Trevor if we were experiencing seasonal affect disorder and he said yes.

I moved on from the food for a while and had a little shopping addiction that seemed to take over for the carbohydrate cravings. I have been on a Lululemon shopping spree. Between my birthday gifts of cash and gift cards and winning that jacket, I have had plenty of opportunities to visit the local stores. I finally hit the point where they weren't bringing in new stock fast enough to meet my addictive needs, so I have petered out on that (so Trevor hopes).

Since I was feeling content from carbohydrates and warm, cozy and comfy from my new threads, I decided that I needed some bedtime comfort. We haven't gotten new pillows, sheets or bedspreads in forever. Gus, our kitty who passed away in October, had a way of ruining these things with his claws. So we never got new stuff because I knew it would get shredded. The three kitties we have now are not so destructive. So, yesterday I bought new sheets, pillows and a comforter. Last night was the most comfortable my bed has been in years. I felt like I was sleeping in a hotel.

So, today, while is it pouring rain, I am content in my Lululemon studio crops, last year's fun times hoodie and cool racer back.

At home, I have the most comfortable bed waiting for me:

Right now, it is pouring rain outside, but the weather app on my phone says that sunny and 60 is just about 10 days away. I sure hope so, and so does my wallet!!!

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