Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Road to Ironman

Trevor and I have been registered for Ironman Canada since August 29, 2009. We have 18 weeks of training left until August 29th, 2010 arrives. While the end of August seems far away, you know how fast time goes...it will be here before we know it. Please follow our journey along the road to Ironman. I will post weekly updates and share our training, nutrition, thoughts and feelings.

Our journey started about two years ago when we made the transition from runners to triathletes. We had always wanted to do triathlons, but we had one small obstacle...I couldn't swim. For several years, this had been our excuse. I finally decided to face my fear, took a swim lesson and Trevor came along for the ride!! And what a ride it has been! We completed our first sprint distance triathlon in August of 2008 (six weeks after my first and only swim lesson). Sprint distance is a 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike, 3.1 mile run. In 2009 we decided to tackle the Half Ironman distance. We completed the Lake Stevens 70.3 Half Ironman on August 16, 2010. Half Ironman distance is a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run. It took me 7 hours, Trevor did it in six and a half.

Immediatley after Lake Stevens, we felt that a full Ironman was just too much. Two weeks later we had signed up for Ironman Canada. The truth is this...there is nothing like the feeling of completing something you never thought or imagined you could do. Once you do that - you want more of that feeling.

We ran the Portland Marathon in October. I finished. Trevor broke his foot at mile 6, that was his finish. For the first time, we trained through the winter for a spring marathon. On April 11th, we completed the Whidbey Island Marathon. We have been swimming and biking to maintain our fitness in those disciplines....now it is time to BUILD our fitness in those disciplines...

This is really where it all gets interesting. The next 18 weeks will take us far beyond any level of fitness we have ever attained. It will include another marathon, a half Ironman and then the full Ironman. There will be weeks where our training load is over 18 hours. We will need to fuel more efficiently than ever before, rest and recover better than ever before and become more mentally strong than ever before.

It is exciting to think of what these next months will bring. It is scary to think of what these next months will bring. Once you do the thing you thought impossible, what excuse do you have for everything else? We'll let you know when we get there. Come along with us. You might think we are crazy. Then again, you might find a little crazy in yourself. If you do - we can help you find an outlet!

Ironman distance is 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile - doesn't that sound FUN?!

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing! I am so excited to know you and ever more excited to have an opportunity to work with you. I know that we are going to be a great team and I can already tell that you will quickly become one of my closest friends. I feel it :) Without a doubt, the road to the ironman will be an inspiring journey and one I look forward to following!
