Sunday, June 14, 2009

Helvetia Half Marathon race report

Its been a few years since I've done this race. Its really hilly and that is one of the things I like the most about it. However, I was a bit concerned this year. Last Sunday during our 11 mile run, I had some pain in my right leg - this is a recurring issue due to a difference in leg length. It was made worse because I was running at a pace that was uncomfortable for me, that changed my gait and created some issues.

I saw the chiropractor/physical therapist on Thursday and he made things feel better (after he made them feel worse). I knew I would be able to make it through the entire run, but I wasn't sure I could do it without pain.

I decided that I would take it really slow and steady and not worry about how fast I was going or who was passing me. I would just run the whole way and focus on being strong.

One of my favorite things about races is seeing all the people. I love to see who is there, what they are wearing, how they run, what they talk about. It is so interesting. You see just about everything at these events. I am slow, so lots of people pass me and I get to see them all!

Here are some basic observations:

1. Unless you are going to win, you should not wear a singlet or bikini shorts. Seriously, its just not right.

2. There is a serious lack of information for women runner's regarding underwear and bras. A marketing campaign on the joys of thong underwear and supportive bras needs to be launched. Ladies...nothing worse than running behind someone and seeing their bunched up panty line under tight pants. Also, if you have breasts, lock them down - all that bouncing can't be good for anyone.

3. Guys - put some bandaids on your nipples, no one wants to see bloody circles on your shirt when you are running. Just do it.

4. If you are running with a friend and you are talking, please remember there are others around you - please don't yell your conversation for 13.1 miles.

5. If you think you are going to pass out - stop running and ask for help - finishing anything is not that important.

These are just some things that I thought about during the run.

Trevor really sped up this year - he finished in 1:45 min - 8 min miles - he commented on how different that speed group of runners was. Back in my group, 11 min miles, people cheer at every mile marker - yell at the bands playing, clap their hands. Many are doing their first race, some are overweight. Trevor said that his group never cheered at a mile makers. He said that many of the girls that he saw were wearing just sports tops and that they should wear those all the time because their abs were great. Sounds like a lot less fun than those of us in the middle and the back of the pack.

Plus, he had to stand around for 30 minutes and wait for me to finish. I finished and we went right to breakfast!!

I felt great during the whole run and finished strong. 13.1 miles, its not half of anything.

Edited to include: Trevor asked that I mention his time was 18 minutes faster than his previous best time in a half marathon. This is a huge improvement in time - amazing what losing 40 pounds can do!

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